Heart Art

Day 30: Thank You For . . .
Day 30: Thank You For . . .

Thank you for the kind words, the sacred glimpses into your hearts, the funny moments in a day, the instant connections that jump miles and seasons and time zones through internet magic. I’m so thankful that our souls can reunite in this way. Namaste.

I’ve decided to participate in Susannah Conway’s December Reflections  photo prompts again this year. During this hectic and stressful season, won’t you join me in mindful reflection from life’s photographic window seats and contemplative comments that provide refuge from the madness.

2 thoughts on “Heart Art

  1. I just scrolled down. What an intriguing month’s autobiography! Every photo a personality, and every journal entry deeply human. Some of these entries are teasers, and I want to know more. I hope the more is in the new year.

    I was especially excited to read that you got the grant! Congratulations! What fun (and work) you will have!

    Of course I am absorbing some of your thoughts as I examine my own Janus-type thinking at this point. Thanks! And a happy 2016!

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